Thursday, February 23, 2012

I'm So Excited I Can't Stand It!!!!

Sunday, December 4, 2011 was a very sad day for me, let me expain. 

I had found Miss Yvonne at the amazingly beautiful Stone Gable earlier in the year and was immediately smitten!  Her home is amazing, her photography makes me want to take classes, her menus challenge me to prepare better meals for my family, I had found in her blog my Titus 2 Mentor and I thanked God for someone openly living her life for Him.

Earlier in 2011 I began (timidly) blogging, then I abruptly stopped in August when crushing news about the big "C" came into our lives through my 23 year old daughter.  I just couldn't focus on home and decorating when faced with guiding my child through very BIG decisions, decision that would affect the rest of her life.  BUT ~ when I needed beauty and calm in the middle of the chaos I would hop on the laptop and browse around Stone Gable.  Miss Yvonne never failed to inspire me. 

Then came December 4th and I read with a sinking heart her last blog posting about needing to follow the Father's leading and stop blogging, that the time spent preparing for and posting was coming between her and Him.  I cried (got a little selfish for a few minutes and pouted) then prayed God's best for her and thanked Him for the "time" we'd had together, I put her blog on my favorites list so I could refer back when I needed inspiration or a good menu idea. 

BUT YESTERDAY I was on Facebook and lo and behold right there on my page was an announcement from Miss Yvonne that she will be rejoining us on March 5th!  I scared the sleeping cat when I whooo hoooed!  I am so thankful that she is coming back and thankful to all of you who blog and lift the name of the Lord on high!! You inspire so many without even knowing that you do, keep the faith and God Bless.



Just a quick note:  My Daughter is fine! When she went into surgery the surgeon was completely stumped - there were no cancer cells in the tissue.  NONE!! He rechecked the Lab results, called the Lab to verify their report with what they sent to him and then called me completely baffled.  He must have apologized 100 times for scaring us, putting us through "all this" and attempted to explain.  He kept saying over and over "it's right here in the lab results.  She has cancer, but there is none in the tissue, I can't explain it".  I replied "I can, God healed her". 

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